Friday, November 11, 2016

Into the Gray...

I've lived in my current apartment in Kuwait for a little over two years. Thankfully, my employer pays for my rent and the apartment came fully furnished, down to the kitchen utensils (and some pretty hideous paintings of cats on the wall). I've made small purchases here and there to make it feel more like "home" and less like a pit stop, since I'm unsure just how long I'll be here. The biggest change, and best decision by far, has been to change the wall color in my living room space. While at first I loved the white walls, they were too difficult to keep clean and I needed some color in my life. I went with a charcoal gray called "Matrix." I'm finishing one room at a time (and yes, the painters will be back to touch up their mess-ups). Who knows, maybe I'll be here long enough to show you every single one.

Today's lesson: Make your house your HOME, no matter the length of your stay. 

Living room, before. 

Prepping to paint!

Basket: On clearance from Pottery Barn, Laterns: Ikea, Blanket: West Elm.

Wooden Accessories and rug, West Elm (from several seasons ago).

Tabletop. Clean and neat. This tray helps me keep everything organized.

My new wall color! Basket weave lamp, Ikea.

Living room, after. 

Knickknacks on my bookshelf.

Lamp, West Elm (similar here).

Storage, Ikea (I clearly didn't measure the space and should've purchased a larger piece!)

Mirror, Ikea. Sculpture, West Elm.

Morning light.

I love the way the light creeps in every morning. Perfection.


  1. Super stylish! The gray walls really make the space cozy.

  2. Omg Prof, you're so stylish in every single way! I've fallen absolutely in love with West Elm and the pieces you have from them are so cute. (their blankets are amazing aren't they?)

    I miss you loads here in Douglasville, and I want to thank you for giving me the foundation in french that has helped me continue to get better and better! This year I have been incredibly fortunate to have a Swiss exchange student live with me, so my formal french is advancing alongside my understanding of verlan! I truly dream of the day where I could speak french to you face to face! -Madi xx

    1. Salut Antoinette! (I think that was your French name…) Thank you SO much for your comment. Love, love, LOVE West Elm. I have a few of their throws and their bedding. Ah-ma-zing!
      I'm so glad you have an exchange student! There's nothing like immersing yourself in the language (while learning a new one!).
      I sure hope we can meet face to face again. You never know what life has in store for you…
      P.S.-I think of you when I'm listening to The 1975! :-)
