Saturday, September 17, 2016

Accessories Overload

Hi, my name is Ty and I may have a slight problem. I may or may not be an accessories junkie. I can never seem to have enough statement (and dainty) necklaces, rings, earrings, and bracelets. Let's not forget my growing collection of hats, scarves, and brooches. I love them all…vintage and modern styles. I like to mix and match textures and prints and I don't follow any fashion rules (I don't even know what those are!). My accessories icon would have to be Iris Apfel, her collection is ahh-mazing! She wears what she wants, from high-end pieces to flea market finds. Some of my favorite pieces came from the monthly antique market just outside of Atlanta, GA, and I LOVE a good sale.

When I travel, I try to purchase at least one item to add to my collection. From silk scarves in Milan to chunky necklaces and bracelets in Paris, to vintage pieces from New York. I don't buy on impulse; a piece has to truly be a standout for me to bring it home with me. Enjoy a few pieces from my collection below! What are your can't-live-without accessories?

Today's lesson: Forget the rules! Wear what you like.

J. Crew statement earrings and cuff, David Yurman ringRebecca Minkoff bag

Club Monaco fingerless gloves (past season), Bracelets: (silver-Banana Republic, gold-Stella & Dot)

Layered statement necklaces (silver-gifted from a friend, stones-custom)

Packing for a trip

Scarves: oversized-H&M, square-vintage, Frames: Maryll (from France)

Silk scarf from a holiday in Bellagio, Italy

Scarves turned into turbans for those bad hair days, Frames: Super

Scarf: Zara

Brooch: vintage, gifted from a friend

Long statement necklace (worn doubled): vintage

Brooches: all vintage (antique market finds), as seen in this post

Layered statement necklaces: jewels-Anthropologie, fabric-purchased at a street fair in Kuwait

Bracelet: vintage, antique market, Rings: Club Monaco (past season), Bag: Zac, Zac Posen

Hat: BCBG (also seen here)

Scarf: vintage, Frames: Super, Ring: Lucas Jack, London

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