Welcome to my closet… (Before)
I'm ashamed to show you the following photos friends. Yes, my closet is a complete mess. I don't have a lot of clothes (contrary to popular belief), but they tend to end up all out of place, despite my efforts to keep everything organized. I like to edit my closet every now and then and now is DEFINITELY the time to do so. About six months ago I moved to a new apartment which I love. The only downside? The closet is smaller. So, I had to make due with the space I have. Brace yourself friends… here are the "before" pictures. You've been warned…(check back for the closet clean out!)My new closet space. It's small, but works.
Why do I have so many sweatshirts? I rarely wear them, and they're taking up way too much space.
It's definitely time to get rid of some of those sweaters (and plastic hangers).

My bag collection is in there…somewhere.
I don't even wear some of these shoes. Time to edit…
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