As a teacher, you know your year is busy when you feel like it's May and it's only November. My ever-growing "to do" list greets me every morning and puts me to bed at night. I check things off only to replace them with something else. Some days I just want to set fire to the thing.
But before I reach for the matches, I remind myself that I live in the Middle East. Flying to Europe or Dubai, or in this case, Doha, Qatar, is just a quick flight away. While I didn't do much during my two-day trip but relax, sometimes a quick escape is just what I need to keep my sanity (Lord knows teaching sixth through tenth graders certainly doesn't help!).
Today's lesson: Sometimes you can't do it ALL. Unplug for a couple of days, recharge, and come back stronger than ever.
View from breakfast. (This won't mean much to most, but living in a country with very little greenery, you come to appreciate this!) |
The morning light is AMAZING! And my hair is doing whatever it wants, as usual. |
Morning cappuccino. |
Enjoying the Villaggio Mall. Yes that's a man-made river, complete with gondola rides. |
The ceiling of the Villaggio Mall makes you feel like you're walking outside. |
The Torch Hotel. |
Lounging poolside. Doing absolutely nothing. SO necessary. |
At the airport in Doha, Qatar. Of course I had to stop and talk to this guy. |